Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ignorant Australia

Recently our local small-town, small-minded newspaper, The Sunshine Coast Daily, featured a 'word on the street' topic as part of its 'letters to the editor' section. The topic: same-sex couples adopting. Will try to locate the original comments, but in the meantime my response, below (which the paper chose not to print), should speak volumes.

10 June 2007

Imagine my disgust and anger at Saturday’s ‘Word on the street’ topic of same sex couples and adoption. Disgust and anger at the perpetuation of ignorance, discrimination and irrationality reflected in the respondents’ comments.

Given the divorce rate and levels of various kinds of abuse within ‘regular’ families, might I suggest the heterosexual world get its own house in order first before railing about tradition, history and society falling apart. With the struggle that a same-sex couple has to go through just to exist, the desire to raise a child in a stable, loving environment, rich with an acceptance of diversity, speaks volumes about commitment and how well that child will grow up to become a valuable member of society.

And what a skewed sample – two straight married couples, given far too many column inches than their ignorance deserves.

1 comment:

Will said...

Well done fantastic you!

When will people realise that heterosexuality is so last year, and bigotry went out of season in the eighties.

Big love to you. xx