Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sci Fi alert...

You'll just have to get used to this...
It's true, that's exactly whats written on the front of my T-shirt. And you don't get much more Sci Fi than Dr Who. Season three is well under way here in OZ, and about time too, as I've finished watching all my Stargate seasons again, (we'll talk more about this later), and I've been reading everyone else's blogs re the show, getting me all hot and bothered. Now I know what you're gonna say, "it's not as good at the original". So don't. It'll just make you sound old and mean. The visual effects are way better - I just loved the scene with the TARDIS flying down the motorway, in the "Runaway Bride" episode. It gave me chills . Also, if any of you leave any comments here regarding the vicious rumours about the series not returning in 2008, I will hunt you down and give you a stern talking to. And, no comments re me having no life, quoting episode names and all.

1 comment:

Will said...

I'd love to be hunted down - just tell me what to say!