Monday, December 10, 2012

Blood orange moon

I have walked for a thousand years,
And passed you time and again.
As we stumble through the dark together.

I have known you forever;
I know you now
Lying inert, wondering where and when.

I offer you my desiccated heart
But you turn your head,
Inclined to the waning blood-orange moon on the rise.

I am despicable, I know
But still you linger.
With sand and water and doubt hanging in the air.

I am a trick of the light
And so without words
Your gossamer-veiled thoughts illuminate my soul.

You lie in my wake
While the world rusts and melts.
And my septic tongue is quiet for a time.

Copyright, Bryan R Ward 2008


Will said...


Bry said...

Thanks gorgeous! It seems you and I are the only ones who ever read these. I shall visit your blog again presently. xxx